

Compulsory Third Party Cover

This is the minimum cover required to comply with the law of the country against liabilities arising from the use of vehicles on a road. It provides cover for the death or bodily injury to third party and damage to third parties properties. Third party insurance covers injury, death or property damage to third parties is compulsory

Motor third party fire & theft policy cover

This type of policy, in addition to third-party cover, indemnifies the insured for loss of or damage to insured’s vehicle caused by fire and theft, actual or attempted. Third-party insurance covering injury, death or property damage to third parties is compulsory. This cover is often extended to third-party fire and theft or comprehensive cover.

Motor comprehensive policy cover

This type of policy provides cover to indemnify the insured against loss of or damage to Vehicle described in the policy schedule, in addition to the third-party fire and theft cover.

Fire & Lightening Insurance Cover

This type policy provides cover to indemnify the insured against financial loss which may sustain by reason of certain defined property, being damaged or destroyed by fire or other insured perils within the policy period.

Plate & Glass Insurance

This policy witness that if any time during the period of insurance the glass belonging to the insured or held in trust or on commission and fitted in the insured’s premises shall be broken or destroyed by any accident or misfortune of fortuitous nature then subject to the terms, exceptions, limitations conditions and endorsement’s contained herein the company shall at its option either

  • Replace the broken or destroyed glass according to the value; or
  • Pay the sum equivalent to the value of or the broken or destroyed glass at the time of the destruction up to but not exceeding the value shown against the item specified in the schedule

Marine, Inland Transit & Air Insurance

Covers the loss or damage to ships, cargo, terminals, and any transport or cargo by which the property is transferred, acquired, or held between the points of origin and the final destination

All Risk Insurance

This policy witnesses that if at any time during the period of insurance the property here by insured or any part thereof shall be lost or damaged as the result of any cause. The company will, at its option and subject to the terms, exceptions, limitations, conditions and endorsements hereon and subject to evidence being afforded by the insured as shall satisfy the company that the property insured has been actually lost or damaged pay or make good to the insured such loss or damaged by payment, replacement, reinstatement or repair to an amount not exceeding the total sum insured in the whole.

Burglary & House Breaking Insurance

The insurance covers property belonging or held by the insured contained within the premise. It shall be lost by the theft but only occupied by actual forcible and violent breaking into or out of a building or any attempt or if there shall arise any damage to the property to the premise falling to be borne or which shall be due to any such theft or attempt.